Volunteer Hub - Suzie Holt 4 Groom Skip navigation

Volunteer Hub

Welcome to the Suzie Holt Volunteer Hub ✨

Here, you can find all the activities planned and get involved. Don't hesitate to reach out to our Volunteer Coordinator: John Bushell on 0439 181 495

Activities to be advised of locations. Contact John, or stay tuned on the WhatsApp for Updates. 

  • Highfields Doorknocking Thursday 13th Feb, 3:00PM
  • Highfields Doorknocking Friday 14th Feb, 3:00PM
  • Corflutes by the Road, Saturday, 15th Feb, 8:00 AM

If you would like to learn more please give John Bushell a call on 0439 181 495.

Please also see the Volunteer Handbook 📔

The handbook is designed to help you navigate the volunteer role, and make the most of your experience with us. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.