Budget Relief - Suzie Holt 4 Groom Skip navigation


With the Federal Budget delivered last Tuesday, it has so far received mixed responses, especially from Independents in rural and regional areas of Australia.

Echoing these frustrations, Suzie Holt, who previously ran as a Community Independent in the last Groom election welcomes the cost-of-living relief measures, however highlights concern surrounding the lack of focus on regional needs.

Community Advocate Ms Suzie Holt feels strongly that the Budget missed the opportunity to address unique challenges faced by regional communities. “For the people of Groom, I am pleased to see the Federal Government addressing the cost-of-living pressures with measures such as the new energy bill relief payment and increased Commonwealth Assistance – but this is just the start, I was disappointed by the lack of funding for the Growing Regions Program and the Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program, both vital for Groom to grow, and they have not yet delivered the promised $1 billion to our communities.

This only confirms Labor’s blind spot when it comes to the needs of regional Australians, and further solidifies the need for more Community Independents in Parliament. It is imperative, now more than ever, to stop the cycle of blame and pursue real change, by challenging the dominance of the two major political parties.

Even more frustratingly, the Budget allocated an additional $1 billion for critical infrastructure for housing, yet there is no guarantee that funding will reach the 30% of people living in regional areas.” Ms Holt said.

The Budget further failed to adequately fund regional healthcare, despite increasing federal funding for public hospitals from 40% to 45% under the National Health Reform Agreement. Comprehensive healthcare challenges were almost completely ignored. What does this mean for Groom?

Positive budget measures included:

• Addressing the cost-of-living pressures

• New Medicare items for women’s health

• Additional home care packages

• Funding for nuclear medicine and some pathology services

• Increased attention to higher education

• Funds have been designated for housing and rentals relief, but it is crucial that these
resources are directed to regional areas.

Budget areas severely overlooked:

• Preventative health measures and reforms in the private health insurance sector

• Better funding for general practices to address the GP shortage and improve employment conditions

• The growing surgery waitlists are alarming, leaving regional patients in pain and impacting quality of life

• No funds allocated for the development of expansion of an arts, culture, or sports precinct.

 • No money for vital infrastructure projects

• Investment in regional universities to address workforce shortages and expand programs locally e.g. defence and health.

• No new money into domestic or sexual violence against women


Significantly, Queensland was allocated substantial funding, totalling approximately $21.6 billion, aimed at bolstering infrastructure and supporting critical and innovative projects across various regions. However, despite this investment, the electorate of Groom was again overlooked.


It is evident that unless there is a shift, constituencies such as Groom, traditionally considered a safe seat, risk being continually deprived of necessary resources. Therefore, advocating for change within government becomes imperative to instigate the much-needed reforms.

Suzie will continue to strongly advocate for More 4 Groom. To learn more about Suzie and her
platform, please visit www.suzieholt4groom.com.au.

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